Can’t break what you don’t have

OK it has been while since I have added a new blog about these alleged women who try to pull of these romance scams, and have a few chat logs saved up for future use. Actually they are piling up as I have a lot of good material to use just waiting to be shared.

But they will have to wait as I need to share this one that just happened today. First of all, she says her name is Kimberly, but she spells it wrong in her screen name. Online dating rules number 97 – if she can’t spell her name right, she is likely a scammer. If she is even a woman.

Usually these scammers like to spend time buttering up some unsuspecting male to so they will think with their dick instead of their brains; because no scammer is successful with anyone who has a least half a functioning brain.

“Kimbery” and I had one chat session last night, then had the second chat this morning. After I told her “we met in my dream last night” that gave her the orgasm she thought I had to go in for the kill. As usual, this is the unedited chat log, other than some added thoughts I was having during the chat:

kimberyvandehey: Am just back from the custon office right now

kimberyvandehey: have been sad dear

me: ok

kimberyvandehey: Am just sad honey

(Jesus! heard you the first time)

me: sorry to hear that

kimberyvandehey: Dear am so sorry for what I want to ask you

kimberyvandehey: And I will be so glad if you can assit me cos am sure I can do more than that for you in future if we are lovers

me: so what are you going to ask me?

kimberyvandehey: Dear can you kindly assist me with 5000 to pay the. Bills so as soon as the container has been release to me and I have it forwarded to the client in brussel to re sell it for me I will have your money refund to you so I can come back to usa on time and get out here so we can be able to meet in person

me: no

kimberyvandehey: Why dear ?

me: I don’t send $$ to people I have not met in person

kimberyvandehey: I understand you dear

kimberyvandehey: That’s why I wanna come ontime to meet you in person

kimberyvandehey: Am a honest woman (bullshit) with good sense of humour

kimberyvandehey: I never want to loose my container cos it worth a large amount of money

kimberyvandehey: Kindly reason this with me

me: no

kimberyvandehey: Bear this with me I will surelly refund your money back

me: First of all I don’t have $5K just laying around the house.

me: Second I think that if I did you are trying to play me and I’d never see you or the $5000 again

kimberyvandehey: Never in my life

kimberyvandehey: I will never do such

kimberyvandehey: Cos am not born to cheat on others

me: that is why I will not send $$$$ to someone I have not met in person

me: people aren’t born to cheat. They learn how later

kimberyvandehey: Am just in need that’s why am asking cos I want you to understand my situation

kimberyvandehey: I understand you dear you are right

kimberyvandehey: But this life its very difficult to believe now adays (no shit Sherlock)

me: I have heard lots of stories but at least yours is somewhat original

kimberyvandehey: I swear with my parents grave I will never do such to you

me: I swear by my parents grave that I am not sending you money

kimberyvandehey: Why dear ?

me: because I will not send $$$$ to someone I have not met in person

kimberyvandehey: I know dear

kimberyvandehey: But am trying to meet you in person

kimberyvandehey: That’s why am doing all this

me: You know, when I am being played, I don’t play nice.

kimberyvandehey: I understand you but I promise I can never play you

me: no

kimberyvandehey: Dear kindly have in faith in me and trust me

me: no

kimberyvandehey: Am not forcing you to send the 5000 to me but if you can gather so I can have my container release to me

me: good. but even you were forcing me I still wouldn’t send it.

kimberyvandehey: I understand you dear

me: good

kimberyvandehey: Dear pls how much can you help me with my love

me: Zero, zip, nada, nothing.

kimberyvandehey: So you mean you are not honest ?

(OK enough of this shit)

me: OK. You say you need $5000 right?

kimberyvandehey: Yes

me: then you’ll come to me and love me and make love to me and all that right?

kimberyvandehey: I really love you

kimberyvandehey: Cos I told you that yesterday

kimberyvandehey: You make me happy since yesterday

kimberyvandehey: I will surelly come to you

kimberyvandehey: Once I have my contaoner release to me

me: that makes you one expensive piece of ass. So how much does your pimp get?

kimberyvandehey: Are you insulting me ? (no YA THINK!)

me: You’re insulting my intelligence if you think I’m going to fork over $5000 to someone I have not met in person and have only known online for a whole 12 hours!

kimberyvandehey: Ok dear.. If you can’t belive me hold it down and if you want to assit no p. That’s life givers never lacl

kimberyvandehey: I may be useful for you as wel

me: You’d better be for $5000

kimberyvandehey: You are not honest, and I can’t believe you are such

me: I KNOW you are not honest, and totally full of shit

me: You are probably a dude who lifted pics from someone’s facebook account

kimberyvandehey: No am not

me: no then you are just an expensive whore

kimberyvandehey: Why all this ?

me: Because I don’t fucking believe you. You need to move on to your next victim.

kimberyvandehey: Can’t believe you can break my heart

me: can’t break what you don’t have, tin man

kimberyvandehey: Ok

me: C U Next Tuesday

kimberyvandehey: Ok

Then she logged off. Hopefully her next screen name will be spelled correctly. But Nigerian/Ghanaian men don’t know how to spell, not even in their own language let alone English.

About quorndawgblog

Vegetarian and someone who loves animals, but not for dinner. Wants to protect the environment and species for future generations to enjoy. Takes a sadistic pleasure in getting under the skin of scammers.
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