Romance Scamming 101

The experienced romance scammers seem to take their time. First they take the time to get to know you, send you some hot pictures, maybe even throw in a hot cam session, telling the unsuspecting victim how much she loves him and can’t wait to fuck him to death. The victim gets so jacked off then comes the pitch: “I have no food,” “my mom is sick,” “I have a $10 million inheritance and need you to send $1000 for me to get it,” and, even a few times, “I am having a really bad period and need $100 for tampons and Mydol.” Pretty much like that except they can’t spell for shit.

Well good old Christinaward203 greeted me and wasted no time cutting to the chase. Was almost comical how she went about it. Felt so bad for her that I decided I would give her some advice on how to scam. I left out all of the inane intros and of course left it unedited.

christinaward203: Hello

christinaward203: Honey how are you doing

me: good and you?

christinaward203: Am worry and sad

me: why

christinaward203: Honey because i dont have any food stuff am worry

me: well that didn’t take you long

christinaward203: Honey am worry

christinaward203: I need your help

me: see, you’re supposed to string me along first, telling me how much you love me and want to be with me. then send me pics of you or more likely someone’s pictures you lifted off facebook. Then when I have such a hardon for you THEN you ask for the money. If I am thinking with my dick, I say “sure when and where.” But since I don’t think with my dick, I call you on your BS

christinaward203: Honey can you afford me to buy a food stuff

Hello! McFly!

me: wow

me: just

me: wow

christinaward203: Honey i was born in new york i live in bronx honey my dad is american my mom is a ghanaian am talking to you now i have travel to ghana

me: so you want me to buy you a plane ticket to Ghana?

christinaward203: Hello

me: am here

christinaward203: Hello you want me to come to you

me: I thought you had to go to Ghana

christinaward203: Honey really because i dont have any familly there my dad pass away am in ghana with my mom she to pass away

christinaward203: Hello

Holy fucking Christ!

me: so you are an American citizen?

christinaward203: Honey yes

christinaward203: Honey do you want me to come to you there

me: then go to the US embassy in Accra

christinaward203: Honey if you can afford me to renew passport

me: why would you not have thought about that before you went to Ghana?

christinaward203: Honey because am in ghana because my mom is a ghana that is why am in Ghana

Reviewing this chat I see I missed out on nailing her on this gem, since earlier she said she had no one in Ghana

me: but why did you not update your passport BEFORE you left for Ghana

christinaward203: Honey if you are serious if me why cant afford me to renew my passport

christinaward203: Hello

christinaward203: <ding>

christinaward203: are you there with me

me: Because I think you’re full of shit. HTH

christinaward203: honey are you there with me

christinaward203: <ding>

You’d think that she would have learned and moved on. Then again, she is new at this. So she comes back for more later.


me: yes?

christinaward203: i can see that you are not serious with me

me: why do you say that?

christinaward203: honey yes because i can see that you are hear for games

me: what makes you think that?

christinaward203: you ios ok bye

me: You’re the one who was trying to get into my wallet as we were just getting to know each other. But I am playing games because I won’t send you $$$? C U Next Tuesday

She even failed at getting the last word.

About quorndawgblog

Vegetarian and someone who loves animals, but not for dinner. Wants to protect the environment and species for future generations to enjoy. Takes a sadistic pleasure in getting under the skin of scammers.
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